N95 vs KN95 Mask: Which is better to protect you from Covid 19?

With similar names this chart will explain what's the similarities and difference from N95 to KN95 mask; including other standards.
N95 vs. KN95 Comparison Chart

In short, N95 masks are the US standards for respirator masks; KN95 masks are the Chinese standards for masks.
Since N95 and KN95 masks are rated to capture a minimum of 95% of 0.3 micron particles, people will often assume that masks can’t capture particles smaller than 0.3 microns. If that was true, then it wouldn’t make sense that masks do a really good job of preventing virus transmission. All of our masked at Planet Halo Health have been independently tested to filter more then the 95% requirement set by KN95 and N95 Filtration standards and surpasses this at 98-99.9% filtration rate.
N95s and KN95s are both rated to capture 95% of particles. Among the minor differences, only KN95 masks are required to pass fit tests, while N95 masks have slightly stronger breathability standards, although as of recent updates to the KN95 GB 26262019 standard, breathability have been improved since.
N95s and KN95s are both rated to capture 95% of particles. Among the minor differences, only KN95 masks are required to pass fit tests, while N95 masks have slightly stronger breathability standards, although as of recent updates to the KN95 GB 26262019 standard, breathability have been improved since.
Availability of N95 and KN95 Masks
The availability of N95 and KN95 masks can vary greatly depending on location. In the United States, KN95 masks are far easier to get your hands on than N95 masks. The reason is KN95 masks do not meet the NIOSH standards for face masks, so hospitals and healthcare facilities can only use N95 masks. For this reason, N95 masks may be reserved for healthcare workers, leaving a larger supply of KN95 masks for the average consumer. This does not mean the KN95 masks are inferior, as long as they are genuine KN95 masks.